Join the 99’s
Become a Member
In order to become a member of our chapter, you must first become a member of the International organization. Click here to join and select “Georgia Flying Belles” from the dropdown menu. When you join, we will add you to our mailing list for upcoming events!
Types of Membership
Ninety-Nine - A woman who holds a pilot certificate or international equivalent
Student Pilot - A woman who holds either 1) a student pilot certificate or 2) a Logbook with current lesson, a letter from instructor or flight school and Government issued ID showing gender. Academic Student holding a rating higher than Student Pilot does not qualify for this membership.
49 1/2 - Although not an official membership status, a 49 1/2 is an integral part of any 99’s chapter. 49 1/2’s are the supportive spouses of our 99s! Click here to learn the story and background of the 49 1/2s!